It’s time... Return to Nature

What If?

Feb 12, 2021

(Personal writing after one of my meditations)

I walked through feeling misunderstood. Not knowing why, I chose to be here on Earth. I wondered, “What if the only reason I’m here is to observe. To just be and live in the moment? What if I am meant to just observe the beauty of this Earth and be thankful for it? What if I am meant to learn from previous mistakes in order to welcome new experiences? What if life was about freeing ourselves from all trauma, so that we may indulge in the purity of joy and the beauty of the present moment?Wait, why is the ‘Now’ referred to as the ‘Present’ and yet we do not enjoy it as such? How have I been so oblivious to all of this?” And so, I realized the veil over our eyes thickens when our hearts are filled with pain, anger, resentment, lust, deceit, etc. Only when we begin to release ourselves from the bondages of such emotions/feelings and open our hearts to love again, do we begin to truly see the real meaning of life. The beauty of what it is and the gift being in the “Present” is. Open your heart to receive.  Open your eyes to GAIA’s beauty.  I see the beauty that surrounds me daily. I see the true colors of nature and can feel the vibrations of it is sound in my heart. She is alive because we are all connected to her. Energy is real. Vibrations are real. Love is real. This “Present” is real. Honor it.  In doing so, you honor your soul.