It’s time... Return to Nature

Walking Like Jesus PT. 1

Feb 11, 2021
Footprints on the sand

(This channeling began with and astral experience)

In the search of finding my connection with God I realized, I AM GOD. I am the higher power I seek because this higher power lives within me. In the bible we are taught to look within our hearts and God is there. God is the name and/or term used to describe a supreme being. An energetic force supreme in knowledge to our human consciousness. Our higher-self or soul-self, forms this "God." As I continued to ascend in this meditative thought, I was taken to the Astral realm. I was at the center, greeted and surrounded by all my guardians (My ancestors, loved ones, Ascended Masters, Guardian Angels). We were an interconnected unit of energy. Forming a webbed connection. Not one was above the other, but instead working together as a symbiotic unit. You see, there is no hierarchy in the upper realms. We all work together to assist one another in soul evolution. We are all distinguished by the wisdom we carry attained by the lives we have lived. That is the purpose for coming to Earth. To evolve, to continue learning and experiencing soul growth through life—interaction with one another, and self. We are meant to expand that wisdom and assist one another, even once we have left the Earthly plane. This is how consciousness is elevated and developed throughout the galaxy. Used by civilizations time and time again. The Pleiadeans are currently assisting us with this growth. We are currently in a time of elevating consciousness on Earth to the new 5th Dimensional way of thinking. The lesson to remember is that there is no competition. Competition was created by the egoic man to create disharmony. We are meant to work together. To elevate one another. To encourage and support one another. You are to reach oneness and walk this truth. The truth of your soul path just as Jesus did. Just as Mary Magdalene did after him. Just as Buddha did after her. Just as other countless Ascended Masters have throughout time and space.

How do we do this you ask? Release the egoic consciousness and let your God light shine within. Learn to work with your conscious mind (Ego). Fear is not of you, but of the world. Let it go and allow yourself to be. Follow the light in your heart (intuition and love with gratitude) and you will never be steered astray. You are reminded that you are always protected, safe, and guided by those energies who have vowed to do so before you entered this space. Trust in their guidance.  Trust in the God within you. Again, the higher power you seek is within YOU…but…this is attained through love and gratitude. Love and gratitude have always been the answer. In a harmonious state of love and gratitude is that this light shines the brightest. This brings about the highest frequency in existence on this planet. That is why the bible verse Mathew 18:20 is so accurate—"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”  When your spirit is in community, harmonizing love and gratitude, our God light is shining and emitting its frequency onto the Earth. Ever raising that vibration. That is why Jesus walked and spread the GOOD NEWS, the gospel of love and gratitude. Walk daily in this vibration and you will see how rewarding it is to your soul.

How is it possible to reach a state of love and gratitude? Integrate forgiveness and compassion for others and yourself. When you can genuinely forgive yourself for not knowing any better and others, for the same, you are one step closer to higher consciousness. A lot of time humans act without reason, following orders or a knowledge that was taught. It is not their fault. It is not your fault. Take those feelings of anger, resentment, and hate and instead replace them with forgiveness, love, and compassion. The action or lesson will not be eliminated or forgotten, as it was part of your soul’s journey for evolution, but the emotion will no longer be attached to that memory, freeing your soul from harvesting that low vibration. This brings us closer to attaining oneness within self. I now understand why Jesus said in Luke 23:34, while crucified on the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” He was talking to his higher-self, his soul. Here he was showing us, yet again, how important forgiveness and compassion are. He was showing us it is best to forgive, not so much to release another from fault, but to release our soul from carrying the vibration of the burden and cruelty of that person’s actions. He showed us how important forgiveness is for the expansion of our consciousness, expansion of our soul. When we depart from this Earth, we are meant to leave with the wisdom attained from our lessons, not the vibrations (emotions) attached to those lessons. When we retain those low vibrations as we pass on, we build karma for ourselves, which we face once we reincarnate. 

Jesus showed us that it is possible to walk a life without judgement. We are not here to judge one another on our journey. This journey is not a competition. We were taught by Jesus to walk humbled in love, gratitude, and compassion for others, and most importantly, for ourselves. He did not compete or fight to be heard. He did not judge or impose his beliefs on others. He just was. Just as Moses before him. They allowed the eb and flow of the universe to work in their favor. Showing us anything and everything is possible if we only believe and surrender to the God within. They both understood their purpose and allowed the universe to aid in their miraculous demonstrations. We are now being asked to surrender. Know your purpose and surrender to it. Let the light in your heart guide you and aid you. 

Understanding the Holy Trinity within us. Inner child = The Son, Consciousness = The Father, High-self (Soul) = The Holy Spirit. When Jesus says in John 6:65, “This is why I told you that no one can come to Me unless the Father has granted it to him.” He is explaining a step in the growth of consciousness. You grow in consciousness as you acknowledge, heal, and nurture your inner child. Once you have begun this process, you have entered the journey of enlightenment and all those who once followed you (vibe with you), if they do not step it up by vibrating at this new level, they will soon fall away. In the bible, 2 Corinthians 4:4 it states, “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” It is not until we begin to do the work to awaken our soul essence, to heal the wounds we have been carrying, that the God in us becomes awaken. We all carry gifts within. These gifts being unique to each an every one of us. We each unravel these gifts at our own pace and our own time. We are not here to compete with these gifts, but to assist one another with them. Two craftsmen may have the ability to create the same craft, but one craftsman might have a unique technique used to create that craft. The purpose is not to see which of the craftsman can attain the better crafted product, but to learn to co-create and share these techniques in harmony (love and gratitude), knowing that this crafted product is going to be in demand and wanted by many. More than the load one craftsman can carry alone. Jesus did not keep enlightenment to himself. He taught what he knew to all his disciples, so that enlightenment would be shared. The bible was written in parables for a reason. It is meant to enlighten us at a specific point in our journey in a specific way. You may read it and interpret it one way today, but you read it a month later and its meaning is completely different. You are not to take it literal, but instead take was is not seen. You will understand what you have allowed yourself to understand.