It’s time... Return to Nature

The Great Conjunction - December 21, 2020

astrological events Dec 11, 2020

The Apocalypse... the apocalypse mentioned in the Bible is merely a description of how the old ways of humanity end and a new era ushers in the beginnings of a new world, where love will be the key to a cohesive and sustainable society.

The Book of Revelations depicts the story of the death of egoistic consciousness and the birth of Christ consciousness, among the collective. You are currently living this apocalyptic era. As a collective you are letting go of emotions and programming's that no longer vibrate with your highest consciousness.

The book of revelations mentions a time where the seven plagues of the angels reach earth. It isn’t until the last plague that the beginning of the end starts. This last vial released unto earth is said to call back all of those who’s mission here on earth has been completed and must return home. Those who stayed true to the teachings of righteousness will become beings of light and will help those currently ascending transition in a much faster and graceful way. Those who did not choose the light would be cast back to the dark they emerged from.

There is no returning messiah. The returning messiah is Christ consciousness energy being activated within each and everyone of you. The messiah has lived in you since birth. As humans you’re taught to look externally for acceptance, love, worthiness, but I’m here to tell you, only you can fulfill the emptiness you feel in your soul.  The Fallen Beast had his reigning time, teaching you to find satisfaction and happiness in external offerings. You will never find full fulfillment if you continue to search for it in another or with external things.

Recognize and embrace the light within. This light holds the wisdom of many lifetimes. The wisdom needed to propel you forward in this lifetime and many to come. No book on Earth can disclose the library your soul contains. It is time to connect with your soul and anchor in the knowledge and information you hold within. This will propel the new age.

There is no coincidence the new age comes in the time of Aquarius. You will birth ingenuity on new structures, a new way of life—of being. This is a new age of freedom and acceptance. Where everyone will be recognized by the light in their soul, not their physical appearance. Be wise, dear one.

Be wise not to get consumed by the glamorous things of the Earth dimension. This is not the true reality, but the reality created as a teaching ground for soul evolution. You are being called to evolve from the darkness of this reality and step into the light held in the soul center of your heart.

Allow yourself to be guided from the light in your heart and not the darkness held by the egotistical mind. Here is where you learn to balance the shadow and light energies within. It is only when you learn to coexist with both, true mastery of duality, that you have found true alignment in oneness. These are the teachings of Jesus. This is not to say the process of soul evolution ends with this— no, it’s merely the beginning. This is the beginning stage of soul evolution. This is allowing you to build the bridge that connects you directly to the Divine.

You have all asked to be present on earth at this time. Those in awareness are assisting in anchoring the light codes necessary for this grand ascension.  For this we thank you. We ask that on December 21, 12:21 universal time, you hold space in meditation— connecting to the light within. Set the intention of sending awareness to all those still in slumber. On this day we will open a portal of light with codes to further enhance your DNA structures for your final ascension to the higher realm. Rest as needed and make sure to nurture your physical bodies. We are always with you.