It’s time... Return to Nature

Soul Love

love Mar 21, 2021

What is Love?

Love...a four letter word that holds so much value, yet, we tend to take it for granted. 

We express it freely, joyously, purely, yet, it’s the one emotion, the one word, most disrespected. 

Now, you ask yourself, “Why is it so hard to find love with someone?” Well...

I tell you this, love is not hard to find, a person to respect and honor your love might be the challenge. 

This part of the poem tells the story of a soul connection so deep, the love between them triggered a spiritual awakening. 

Ever love someone so deeply, so passionately that it feels like your heart goes mad with emotion in the presence of that person?

While in their arms you feel so safe, so supported, and so loved, you have managed to form your own circadian rhythm for them?

A love so deep, making love to them feels timeless, an experience that takes you to the stars and heals your soul every time. 

You realize this love is not ordinary. This love has opened the door to your soul, levels of consciousness you still do not understand.

You look at your partner and all you see is someone who is perfectly imperfect. You know their flaws, yet it’s their soul you see. 

Your soul recognizes they are the one, the one you’ve been searching for, the soulmate—fireworks explode. 

You feel this because your partner has opened their heart to allow you to feel this; however, this fairytale is quite unique. 

See, the tricky thing about soul love is, when received, it throws alarming signals to our ego. All of our past trauma is awakened, but awakened to be healed.


This triggers self-worth, jealousy, codependency, lack of confidence, and you begin to self-sabotage the beauty of this soul love— why? 


The ego places you in a state of flight or fight mode. You have decided, “I do not want to be hurt by abandonment, again.” So, you run. 


He runs from her with thoughts he will find something better, and she chases him fearing she will never have love like this again. Then she runs from the triggered pain, and he chases because he misses the euphoric feeling of her soul love. 


There were no set boundaries, between these two. But NOW, now she knows her worth. Placing boundaries has led them to heal. She now realizes she IS WORTHY of a soulmate and does not fear this any longer. 


Time has passed and she now surrenders to the connection. Surrenders to will of the universe. Once more, calling in her soulmate to continue this journey, in love. Will he surrender?


It was his love that ignited her and her love that ignited him, and their love that guided them back home, back to the purity of their soul. 

This love is pure, soul love. They may come together or not, but one thing is certain, this love is infinite and it will find it’s way home, once more. 

So, what is love?

Love holds the strongest energy of all. Love can change us in a positive or negative way. You have the choice on how you allow for love to change you. What will that choice be?